
食は命です。 食べること生命を繋ぎ、安定した食糧の存在が争いを無くし、正しい食物連鎖が地球環境を守り、食べ物をもったいないと慈しむ心が人の暮らしを豊かにします。


しかし今、命である食に困っている人々が身近にいます。 雇用と同時に住居も失ったホームレスや一人暮らしの高齢者、障がい者、家族の暴力から逃げてきた等、他人事ではありません。 その一方で、おいしく十分に栄養価値のある食べ物が、規格外や余剰生産、賞味期限が近いといった理由から毎日廃棄され続けています。









Non-profit Organization Foodbank Tohoku Again Mission Statement

Turning “What a waste!” into “Thank you!” and a smiling face


Food is life. Eating binds our lives together, the presence of a stable food source eliminates conflict, and sustainable food production and disposal protects our environment. A compassionate heart unwilling to waste food enriches people’s lives.


Inherent to the Tohoku region of Japan is a deeply held gratitude for the blessings of nature and a spirit of “Again” (A Tohoku phrase meaning “Please come into my home, please eat.”) that created a climate of helpfulness, where food was freely shared with others.


However, there are now many people unable to find their next meal. We cannot ignore the struggles of those who have lost their homes and jobs, or the elderly, handicapped, and victims of abuse living alone and without support. Meanwhile, an excess of delicious, nutritious food is thrown away every day because of an approaching expiration date.


Frustrated by this distorted situation, we have gathered together from different viewpoints and motivated by different crises in the unified hope of helping those in need.


We collect donations of food that, despite being in perfect condition, would otherwise have been thrown away. After receiving these donations, we inspect, sort and finally deliver the food to those living in poverty.


Though it’s been 6 years since the March 11th, 2011 earthquake that devastated the Tohoku region, there are still many victims in desperate need of assistance. We will continue to help them for as long as they need.


Thank you so much for your continued support.